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Current Rates


Current Rates

The rate you pay will be determined by the term and your credit history. Rates available upon approved credit.

All loans are subject to credit approval, underwriting guidelines, and membership eligibility.


Standard Term Share and IRA Certificates ($500 Minimum)

  Dividend Rate with Your Choice Checking APY* with Your Choice Checking Regular Dividend Rate Regular APY*  
  How can I get
these rates?
6 Month (IRA certificate not eligible) 1.094% 1.10% 0.995% 1.00% Open Now
12 Months 1.094% 1.10% 0.995% 1.00% Open Now
24 Months 1.588% 1.60% 1.489% 1.50% Open Now
36 Months 1.686% 1.70% 1.588% 1.60% Open Now
48 Months 1.785% 1.80% 1.686% 1.70% Open Now
60 Months 1.883% 1.90% 1.785% 1.80% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective May 13, 2024 and is subject to change at any time. Minimum deposit to open account and to earn APY is $500 (Save to Win CD minimum deposit is $25). Maximum deposit of $250,000. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. Share certificate dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Your Choice Checking requires full Direct Deposit or an $8.99 monthly fee is imposed.

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Save To Win ($25 Minimum)

  Dividend Rate Regular APY*  
12-Months Certificate of Deposit1 1.489% 1.50% Open Now
Share Savings Account2 1.489% 1.50% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

1. SHARE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD): Share Certificate dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Early Withdrawal & Penalty: During the term of the Save to Win® Certificate, account holders will be allowed to make one withdrawal from the account, with a $25.00 penalty to be assessed at the time of withdrawal. If the early withdrawal reduces the principal below the minimum balance or a second withdrawal is performed in the 12-month term, the certificate will be closed. The second withdrawal will also result in a $25 penalty to be assessed at the time of withdrawal. If the account has not yet earned enough dividends or if the dividend has already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal. Exceptions to Early Withdrawal Penalties: At our option, we may pay the account before maturity without imposing an early withdrawal penalty when an account owner dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other body of competent jurisdiction.

2. Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends paid on balances of $0.01 or more. Account subject to minimum balance requirement of $25. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly. Rate subject to change and may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

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Money Market Share Account

  Dividend Rate with Your Choice Checking APY* with  Your Choice Checking Regular Dividend Rate Regular APY*  
  How can I get
these rates?
$0 - $2,499.99 0.299% 0.30% 0.299% 0.30% Open Now
$2,500 - $9,999 0.498% 0.50% 0.399% 0.40% Open Now
$10,000 - $24,999 0.548% 0.55% 0.449% 0.45% Open Now
$25,000 - $49,999 0.598% 0.60% 0.498% 0.50% Open Now
$50,000 - $99,999 0.697% 0.70% 0.598% 0.60% Open Now
$100,000 - $249,999 1.558% 1.60% 1.489% 1.50% Open Now
$250,000 + 2.569% 2.60% 2.471% 2.50% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective October 1, 2024, and is subject to change at any time. No minimum balance required to open account. Money Market rates paid on a tiered rate schedule. Balances that fall below $2,500 are paid Regular Share rate. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly. Your Choice Checking requires full Direct Deposit or an $8.99 monthly fee is imposed.


Mini Money Market Share Account (available to members under age 25)

  Dividend Rate APY*  
0% 0% Open Now
0.05% 0.05% Open Now
0.10% 0.10% Open Now
0.15% 0.15% Open Now
0.20% 0.20% Open Now
0.25% 0.25% Open Now
Balances over
0.30% 0.30% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective June 1, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. No minimum balance is required to open an account. $25 minimum deposit is required to earn APY. Mini Money Market rates paid on a tiered rate schedule. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly.After Age 25 funds will move to a regular Money Market Share Account.

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IRA Share Account

  Dividend Rate APY*
Balances under
0.10% 0.10%
0.15% 0.15%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective June 1, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. No minimum balance required to open account. Withdrawals subject to IRS penalty (consult a tax advisor.) Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly.

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Special Purpose Share Account

  Dividend Rate APY*
Balances Under $20,000 0.05% 0.05%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective June 1, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. No minimum balance required to open account. Withdrawals subject to IRS penalty (consult a tax advisor.) Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly.

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Regular Share Account

  Dividend Rate APY*  
$25.00 and Over 0.05% 0.05% Open Now
$0 - $24.99 0.00% 0.00% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective June 1, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. $25 minimum deposit is required to open account, earn APY and is due prior to application for any additional services. Dividends paid on balances of $25 or more. Account subject to minimum balance requirement of $25. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly.

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Pathways™ Savings Account

  Dividend Rate APY*  
$0 - $1,000 3.445% 3.50% Open Now
$1,000.01 and Over 0.05% 0.05% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective September 1, 2023 and is subject to change at any time. No minimum deposit is required to open account. Share dvidends are compounded and paid monthly.

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Checking Account

  Dividend Rate APY*  
Your Choice Checking 0.05% 0.05% Open Now
Teen Green Checking 0.05% 0.05% Visit a Branch

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective June 1, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. The APY for balances greater than $25,000 is shown above and depends on the balance in the account, assuming a maximum of $50,000. Balances above $50,000.00 may result in a lower APY than is stated above. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly. Your Choice Checking requires full Direct Deposit or a $8.99 monthly fee is imposed.

For full Plus Checking qualifications click here.

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Plus Checking Account

  Dividend Rate APY*  
$0-$25,000 1.49% 1.50% Open Now
$25,000.01-$50,000 0.10% 1.50% - 0..762% Open Now
Non-Qualified accounts 0.05% 0.05% Open Now

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective October 1, 2024, and is subject to change at any time. If the balance in the account is $25,000.01, then the blended APY would be 1.50%.  If the balance in the account is $50,000.00 then the blended APY would be 1.27%.

For full Plus Checking qualifications click here.

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Health Savings Account

  Dividend Rate APY*
Health Savings/Checking Account - All Balances 0.009% 0.01%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective October 1, 2024 and is subject to change at any time. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly.

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Business Savings

  Dividend Rate APY*
Business Savings ($25 minimum) 0.05% 0.05%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective June 1, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. $25 minimum deposit is required to open account, earn APY and is due prior to application for any additional services. Balances that fall below $1,000 are subject to $10 monthly service charge. Dividends paid on balances of $25 or more. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly. Must be a business member to open account.

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Business Standard Term Share and IRA Certificates ($500 Minimum)

  Regular Dividend Rate Regular APY*  
6 Month (IRA not eligible) 0.995% 1.00% Visit a branch
12 Months 0.995% 1.00% Visit a branch
24 Months 1.489% 1.50% Visit a branch
36 Months 1.588% 1.60% Visit a branch
48 Months 1.686% 1.70% Visit a branch
60 Months 1.785% 1.80% Visit a branch

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective May 13, 2024 and is subject to change at any time. Minimum deposit to open account and to earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit of $250,000. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. Share certificate dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Must be a business member to open account.

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Business Money Market

  Regular Dividend Rate Regular APY*  
$0 - $2,499.99 0.299% 0.30% Visit a branch
$2,500 - $9,999 0.399% 0.40% Visit a branch
$10,000 - $24,999 0.449% 0.45% Visit a branch
$25,000 - $49,999 0.498% 0.50% Visit a branch
$50,000 - $99,999 0.598% 0.60% Visit a branch
$100,000 - $249,999 1.489% 1.50% Visit a branch
$250,000+ 2.471% 2.50% Visit a branch

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective October 1, 2024 and is subject to change at any time. No minimum balance required to open account. Business Money Market rates paid on a tiered rate schedule. Balances that fall below $2,500 are paid Regular Share rate. Share dividends are compounded and paid monthly. Must be a business member to open account.

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Complete Business Checking 

  Dividend Rate APY*
Complete Business Checking 0.00% 0.00%
Complete Business Checking Plus 0.10% 0.10%
Complete Business Checking for Non-Profits
0.10% 0.10%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate effective November 15, 2021 and is subject to change at any time. No minimum balance required to open account. Balances that fall below $1,000 are subject to $14.95 monthly service charge. Checking account dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Must be a business member to open account.

1Yield assumes principal and dividends remain on deposit for one year at the current rate.

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Consumer Loan Rates Effective March 7, 2025

Rates shown are for new loans only. Existing Connex Credit Union loans do not qualify.


  Fixed Rates  
New Car Loan As low as 4.79% APR* Apply Now
Used Car Loan As low as 5.09% APR* Apply Now

Note: New Cars are model year 2022 and newer. Used Cars are model year 2021 and older. Other rates apply for model years 2018 through 2015. Private Purchase on model year 2019 and newer, add 1.00% to the Car Base Rate. Lease Buyout is Used Car Base Rate plus 1.00%. Cash Out Refinance and Borrowing Against Title is Used Car Base Rate plus 2.50%.
* Annual Percentage Rate (APR) includes a 0.25% rate discount with Auto Pay from a Connex Credit Union checking account. The rate you pay will be based on the term of the loan and your credit history. Higher rates may apply depending on model year, used car private purchases, lease buyouts or cash out refinancing. Rates shown are for new loans only. Existing Connex Credit Union loans do not qualify. Rate of 4.79% APR is for vehicles model year 2022 and newer financed for 36 months at a monthly payment of $29.85 for each $1,000 borrowed. Rate of 5.09% APR is for used vehicles model year 2021 and older financed for 36 months at a monthly payment of $29.98 for each $1,000 borrowed.

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  Fixed Rates  
New Motorcycle Loan As low as 7.49% APR* Apply Now
Used Motorcycle Loan As low as 7.79% APR* Apply Now

* Annual Percentage Rate (APR) includes a 0.25% rate discount with Auto Pay from a Connex Credit Union checking account. Rates are determined by your credit history and model year. A new motorcycle loan, model years 2023-2025, has a rate as low as 7.49% with terms up to 60 months. A new motorcycle loan at 7.49% for 60 months has a payment of $20.04 per $1,000 borrowed. A used motorcycle loan, model years 2021-2022, has a rate as low as 7.79% with terms up to 60 months. A used motorcycle loan at 7.79% for 60 months has a payment of $20.18 per $1,000 borrowed. Ask about financing for older models. Rates valid as of February 10, 2025 and subject to change or may be withdrawn at any time. Existing Connex Credit Union loans do not qualify. A $25 balance in your Connex share savings account required.

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E-Bike Personal UNSECURED 24 months Rates as low as 7.24% APR* Apply Now
E-Bike Personal UNSECURED 36 months Rates as low as 7.24% APR* Apply Now
E-Bike Personal UNSECURED 48-60 months Rates as low as 8.24% APR* Apply Now

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. A 7.24% APR is representative of a 24-month e-bike loan and the monthly payment would be $44.89 for each $1,000 borrowed. A 7.24% APR is representative of a 36-month e-bike loan and the monthly payment would be $30.99 for each $1,000 borrowed. Other rates and terms available upon approved credit. Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time and may be withdrawn without notice. Annual Percentage Rates include a 0.25% rate discount with Auto Pay from a Connex Credit Union checking account. The rate you pay will be determined by the term of the loan, your credit history, and other factors. All loans are subject to credit approval, underwriting guidelines and membership eligibility. Other terms and conditions may apply. Minimum loan amount is $1,000 and maximum loan amount is $20,000. Refinancing existing Connex loans not eligible. Offer good as of April 11, 2022

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Overdraft Plus Line of Credit 17.75% APR (variable)*  
Personal / Signature Loan 12-36 months Rates as low as 8.24% APR** Apply Now
Personal / Signature Loan 48 months Rates as low as 9.24% APR** Apply Now
Personal / Signature Loan 60 months Rates as low as 9.24% APR** Apply Now

*Variable Rate Overdraft Plus Line of Credit: For all advances the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is subject to change the first day of the month during which your 6 month anniversary occurs and every 6 months thereafter. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for new and existing balances will be the previous two month's average of the 26 Week Treasury Bill Auction Rate (Index), rounded to the next higher .25%, plus a Margin of 13.50%. We will use the most recent Index value available to us as of the last of the month preceding any annual percentage rate adjustment. The APR will change on the first day of each month to reflect any change in the Index. The APR will never be greater than 18.00% or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is less.

**APR = Annual Percentage Rate. A 8.24% APR is representative of a 36-month personal loan and the monthly payment would be $31.46 for each $1,000 borrowed. Other rates and terms available upon approved credit. Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change at any time and may be withdrawn without notice. Annual Percentage Rates include a 0.25% rate discount with Auto Pay from a Connex Credit Union checking account. The rate you pay will be determined by the term of the loan, your credit history, and other factors. All loans are subject to credit approval, underwriting guidelines and membership eligibility. Other terms and conditions may apply. Minimum loan amount is $2,000 and maximum loan amount is $20,000. Refinancing existing Connex loans not eligible.

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  Fixed Rates  
New Recreational Vehicle As low as 8.00% APR* Apply Now
Used Recreational Vehicle As low as 8.75% APR* Apply Now

*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. An 8.00% APR is for a 5-year term on a NEW recreational vehicle loan at a monthly payment of $20.29 for each $1,000 borrowed. An 8.75% APR is for a 5-year term on an USED recreational vehicle loan at a monthly payment of $20.64 for each $1,000 borrowed.  Annual Percentage rates include a 0.25% rate discount with Auto Pay from a Connex Credit Union checking account. The rate you pay will be determined by the term of the loan and your credit history. Rates available on approved credit. Rates shown are for new loans only. Existing Connex Credit Union loans do not qualify.  A $25 balance in your share savings account is required.

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Mortgage Rates

Rates are provided by Members Mortgage, Connex Credit Union's Mortgage Lending Partner.

Click Here for the most accurate rate information based on your mortgage lending needs.

Home Loan Originator NMLS Status - Check your loan originator's status here.



Home Equity Loan Rates on September 1, 2024

Home Loan Originator NMLS Status - Check your loan originator's status here.

Home Loans in First Lien Position (No Points)

Term Loans up to $24,999 Payment Example
Per $1,000 Financed
Loans $25,000 or More Payment Example
Per $1,000 Financed
5 Years 6.00% APR* $19.34 5.75% APR* $19.22 Apply Now
7 Years 6.00% APR* $14.61 5.75% APR* $14.49 Apply Now
10 Years 6.25% APR*


6.00% APR* $11.11 Apply Now
15 Years 6.625% APR* $8.78 6.375% APR* $8.65 Apply Now
20 Years 6.875% APR* $7.68 6.625% APR* $7.53 Apply Now

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Fixed Rates above are based on borrowing up to 80% of equity in home.  Term up to 20 years.  Up to 100% loan-to-value financing available, higher rates apply. All credit union loan programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Proof of homeowner's insurance is required for all Home Equity products. Home Equity financing on CT owner-occupied properties only. Not available for homes currently for sale.  Refinancing existing Connex home equities not eligible.  All loans are subject to credit and underwriting approval. Home Equity Loans have no application fee and no closing costs. Other terms and conditions may apply. A $25 balance in your Connex share savings account required. Interest may be tax deductible, please consult your tax advisor.

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Home Equity Loans in Second Lien Position (No Points)

Term Loans up to $24,999 Payment Example
Per $1,000 Financed
Loans $25,000 or More Payment Example
Per $1,000 Financed
5 Years 6.25% APR* $19.45 6.00% APR* $19.34 Apply Now
7 Years 6.25% APR* $14.73 6.00% APR* $14.61 Apply Now
10 Years 6.50% APR* $11.36 6.25% APR* $11.23 Apply Now
15 Years 6.875% APR* $8.92 6.625% APR* $8.78 Apply Now
20 Years 7.125% APR* $7.83 6.875% APR* $7.68 Apply Now

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Fixed Rates above are based on borrowing up to 80% of equity in home.  Term up to 20 years.  Up to 100% loan-to-value financing available, higher rates apply. All credit union loan programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Proof of homeowner's insurance is required for all Home Equity products. Home Equity financing on CT owner-occupied properties only. Not available for homes currently for sale.  Refinancing existing Connex home equities not eligible.  All loans are subject to credit and underwriting approval. Home Equity Loans have no application fee and no closing costs. Other terms and conditions may apply. A $25 balance in your Connex share savings account required. Interest may be tax deductible, please consult your tax advisor.

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Home Equity Line of Credit Rates on December 23, 2024 Current rate is 7.25% APR † 



†APR = Annual Percentage Rate – The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 7.25% is a variable rate based on an Index minus 0.25%. %. The index is the Prime Rate published in the Money Rates column of the Wall Street Journal.  When a range of rates has been published the highest rate will be used. We will use the most recent index value available to us on the 25th of each month (or the first publication following the 25th) before any annual percentage rate adjustment. As of 12/19/2024, the Prime Rate was 7.50%. The APR cannot fall below the minimum of 3.00% nor exceed a maximum of 18.00%. Obtain credit advances for 10 years (Draw Period), make interest only payments or principal and interest payments during this period, then repay the remaining balance over the next 10 years (Repayment Period). The principal balance will not decrease if interest-only payments are made. The maximum combined loan-to value ratio (existing mortgage loan balances plus Home Equity Credit Line limit) is 80% of appraised value. The minimum line of credit amount is $10,000 and up to a maximum of $300,000. The minimum credit advance that you can make is $500. Third party fees may need to be reimbursed if the loan is closed within the first 24 months.
Home Equity Lines of Credit have no application fee, no closing costs, and no annual fee. Proof of homeowners insurance required. CT owner-occupied properties only. Not available for homes currently for sale.  Programs, rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. Other terms and conditions may apply. A $25 balance in your Connex share savings account required. Up to 100% loan-to-value financing available, higher rates apply. Interest may be tax deductible, please consult your tax advisor. All loans are subject to credit and underwriting approval. Refinancing existing Connex home equities not eligible.




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Equal Housing Lender NCUA

Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed in full faith and credit of the United States Government, National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.