Pathways Credit Builder Loan Program
Need to build or rebuild your credit? Connex may be able to help you!
Maybe you have not yet established credit or have a poor payment history – two situations that can be challenging. Connex’s Pathways Credit Building Loan program helps members reach their financial goals while also helping them build or rebuild their credit history.
Here's how it works:
1. You borrow from $1,000 to $2,000 for 12 or 24 months at a fixed rate of 5.99% APR.*
2. The funds borrowed are placed in a Special Purpose Savings Account (SPA) and earns interest as long as your account is in good standing/repayment.
3. You will make regular monthly principal and interest payments to repay the amount you borrowed. At maturity, you will have the choice to withdraw the loan proceeds from the SPA account or work with a Financial Advocate who will help you use those funds to achieve your financial goals.
To participate, you must be a Connex member, 18 years or older, and have minimum 2 years consecutive employment. Other terms and conditions apply.
Please contact us at 1-800-CR-UNION or stop by a branch for further details.
*APR – Annual Percentage Rate. Estimated cost per $1,000 calculated on a maximum term of 5.99% for 24 months equals a monthly payment of $44.32 for 23 months and one payment of $44.17. Results not guaranteed. Improvement in credit score dependent on your specific situation and financial behavior. Failure to make monthly minimum payments by the payment due date each month will result in negative reporting to your credit report which will not improve your credit history. This product will not repair your credit, and negative credit history will not be removed from your credit report as a result of this program. Subject to approval.
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